Meet Our Team

At, we have a dedicated team of professionals who are passionate about delivering timely news, engaging content, and an exceptional user experience. Our team members bring a wealth of experience and expertise to ensure that we provide accurate, insightful, and relevant information to our readers. Get to know the faces behind the scenes who make possible.

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Mohit Bhardwaj


Our visionary Founder/CEO, Mohit Bhardwaj, is the driving force behind With a passion for journalism, they have led us from inception to success, ensuring our commitment to delivering quality content.

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Nitesh Kush


As our Editor-in-Chief, Nitesh Kush brings extensive media experience and a keen eye for captivating stories. They guide our team of talented writers and editors, ensuring the highest standards of journalism.

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Udit Dhiman


A specialist in their field, Udit Dhiman shares their expertise and knowledge through informative and educational articles. Their passion for their subject matter shines through, making their content both insightful and accessible.


Sourabh Dhiman


With a background in journalism, Sourabh Dhiman brings a keen eye for detail and accuracy to their writing. Their articles provide a comprehensive analysis of current events, offering readers a deeper understanding of complex issues.

At, we believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration. Each member of our team plays a crucial role in delivering the best possible experience to our readers. Together, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of journalism, providing engaging content, and building a platform that keeps you informed and entertained.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.